ST JAMES’S CHURCH – visit Peter Paul Rubens’s tomb

St James’s church  in Antwerp is still the starting point for pilgrims journeying to Santiago de Compostela.

This Late Gothic collegiate church has a particularly splendid baroque interior  – a feast of marble – and contains a vast art collection by painters  such as Rubens, Jordaens, Van Balen …

It also contains the  burial  chapel of Peter ¨Paul Rubens. His parish church  (Rubens’s  house is at a stone’s throw) still radiates the grandeur of a fashionable neighbourhood with well-off citizens;  to-day it’s a student’s district.

Recently fabulous 16th century frescoes were discovered in the church.

Learn more

St James’s Church
Please note that opening hours may vary when the church is hosting special services or events. Contact the parish secretary’s office prior to your visit.:
tel. 00 32 3 232 10 32

Mo. – Su.: 14.00 – 17.00
€ 130
90 minutes
20 persons per guide
At the entrance of the church, 73 Lange Nieuwstraat, 2000 Antwerp