Real Antwerp City guides are not just pleased with the certificate that they once obtained.
They keep on looking for new sources, information and petty facts to improve and to season their guided tours.
This is why in 1980 KGvA set up a journal of their own, “Antwerpsche tydinghen”. What started as a few stencilled sheets has now become a luxury four colour quarterly journal of about 40 pages.
This periodical offers articles about everything that in some way can be linked with the city of Antwerp and its history. And this is a lot. General (art) history also has much ground in common with our town. Besides announcements of interesting lectures in and about our city, book reviews about publications on Antwerp,… can be found.
In this we are helped by good connections with experts, publishers,… and also with the Antwerp museums and churches.
A small selection of subjects dealt with in the last few years: The restauration of Mad Meg, Gilbert Van Schoonbeke, 200 years of municipal education, Antoon van Stralen, the different stories (and the truth?) about Anna van Saksen, the ferries between Temse and Antwerp,…
Also non-members can enjoy this journal by taking a subscription, which only costs €25.00 a year.
Contact our secretary:
If you want to contact our chief editor: Marc Goovaerts (